{ f21 top, skirt & ring; Target cardigan; Francesca's heels; hand-me-down bag }
Happy Halloween! You may be wondering why I'm not wearing a costume for this post as other (and smarter) bloggers are doing today. Truth is, my "costume" is so lame this year that I didn't bother. But if you're dying to know, just picture some cat ears on me in these photos. Anti-climactic, I know!
One thing I really miss about Halloween from the ol' days is trick-or-treating! I can't even remember when I stopped. It's like suddenly I felt like a creep dressing up and asking strangers for candy. I don't think trick-or-treating will be socially acceptable for me until I have my own kids someday! For now I'll just have to stick to trick-or-treating at Walmart... and then paying them for the candy.
One thing I really miss about Halloween from the ol' days is trick-or-treating! I can't even remember when I stopped. It's like suddenly I felt like a creep dressing up and asking strangers for candy. I don't think trick-or-treating will be socially acceptable for me until I have my own kids someday! For now I'll just have to stick to trick-or-treating at Walmart... and then paying them for the candy.