Thursday, 31 October 2013

Trick or Treat

{ f21 top, skirt & ring; Target cardigan; Francesca's heels; hand-me-down bag }

Happy Halloween! You may be wondering why I'm not wearing a costume for this post as other (and smarter) bloggers are doing today. Truth is, my "costume" is so lame this year that I didn't bother. But if you're dying to know, just picture some cat ears on me in these photos. Anti-climactic, I know!

One thing I really miss about Halloween from the ol' days is trick-or-treating! I can't even remember when I stopped. It's like suddenly I felt like a creep dressing up and asking strangers for candy. I don't think trick-or-treating will be socially acceptable for me until I have my own kids someday! For now I'll just have to stick to trick-or-treating at Walmart... and then paying them for the candy.

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Tuesday, 29 October 2013

October through Instagram

  • I had one goal for the month of October: make my apartment spell like a pumpkin. Mission accomplished.
  • This was my attempt at fall decor on a poor girl's budget. I love candy skulls! I'd put them all over my place if I could, but that would probably worry some people.
  • My boyfriend Matt came to visit Austin for a week! We spent his first full day visiting our Alma Mater and hanging out on the front lawn enjoying the weather. :)
  • I went to the Texas State Fair a couple weeks ago for the first time, and it was so much fun! My college football team won the game that day which made it even better!
  • I haven't had Instagram-worthy food in a long time, but this was definitely one of those moments. Sooo good!
  • I hope this isn't too weird, but I love creepy Halloween decor. It always makes me laugh! I wanna decorate my future house full of Halloween stuff. Be one of those people in the neighborhood, haha.
  • Visiting the pumpkin patch this month was so fun! I usually just buy one from my grocery store, but getting one from a patch felt more authentic, y'know?
  • I found this Twiggy painting etched on the wall at Austin's local graffiti park! I'm kind of in love with it. I never get tired of that place!
  • I went to a Halloween party last week and got to see lots of old friends! I dressed up as a cat because I already had the ears and didn't feel like spending money. Hopefully next year I'll try something not-so-lame!

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Saturday, 26 October 2013

Scarf Love

{ Old Navy tee; pants & scarf c/o Charlotte Russe; f21 boots; Target bag; UO watch; Cotton On sunnies }

Say hello to my new favorite scarf! I've been wearing this bad boy every chance I get recently. Even when it's warmer than usual outside, and people give me the "really?" look. Yes, really. I love the ethnic print it has which gives this plain ol' outfit a little something extra. Plus it has elephants on it, my favorite animal! What more could a girl ask for?

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Thursday, 24 October 2013

Awkward Pumpkin

{ Target cardigan, belt & bag; F21 skirt & ring; Charlotte Russe scarf; Macy's moccassins }

I don't have any metaphorical or savvy meaning to this title, it just is what it is: a quite literal pumpkin sitting awkwardly next to me. I picked this one up from the pumpkin patch I visited a couple weeks ago and had the "brilliant" idea to include it in these photos. And that's basically it. At least there won't be any confusion as to what season I was trying to encompass here (pumpkins = fall, you guys).

I know it may not look like I'm wearing a top in these pics since my scarf covers all, but I promise I am. I didn't cite where I bought the top because, well, you can't even see it. Sure in a perfect world scarves can suffice as blouses, but this is real life where that just won't cut it on a windy day. But if you're that curious, it's the same top I wore for this outfit. Now the mystery is gone...

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Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Rain Fall

{ Marshall's plaid top; Target denim top & rain boots; f21 pants }

Who knew fall would be the season of rain? Even more than spring apparently! Rain in Texas is a big deal here. I mean, I only get to wear my rain boots about 5 or 6 times a year, and that's on a good year! The rest of the time they just sit in my closet collecting dust. Still, every time we get some flash floods (however rare they may be) or whenever I have the chance to jump in a puddle, I'm thankful that I bought these boots rather than the cute scarf I also saw. It was a life-altering decision, but it had to be done.

So I came to this graffiti park a couple weeks ago, but Matt had never been before and I knew he just had to see it for himself. After all the rain, the whole place was a huge mud pit! Still worth it. The walls were spray painted with Halloween themed art, it was awesome! I can't wait to see what kind of art Christmas will bring. But I'm getting ahead of myself, Thanksgiving graffiti comes first.

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Monday, 21 October 2013


While driving around Austin about a month ago, I saw a random white tree floating above a lake and had to do a double-take just to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me. What was this mystical thing and why is it here? I had to investigate. Matt and I made the short trip down to Town Lake to see what the deal was and turns out, the tree is an artistic representation of all the trees that died in 2011. The sign in the above photo reads this:

"This temporary installation encourages us all to consider our relationships to water, our most precious natural resource, and memorializes the loss of the 300 million trees that died in the Texas drought of 2011. The iconic tree on the lake and the 14,000 prayer flag meditation walk on the trail acknowledge the devastating impact of drought in Austin and beyond. The goal of Thirst is to make the horrific loss visible while promoting the incorporation of conservation and sustainability into our daily lives."

Pretty intersting stuff. I love when Austin puts on unique displays such as this. The tree is only going to be there until December 20th, so if you're in the Austin area you should definitely check it out!

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Saturday, 19 October 2013

Watch and Learn

{ Agaci top; mom's cardigan; f21 shorts; Target belt, sunnies & bag; UO watch; thrifted loafers }

Let's talk about something I'm really bad at doing: accessorizing. I mean, if you look back on my most recent outfit posts, the extent of my accessories is basically this watch. In my defense though, it's a reeeaally great watch. I got it as a gift last Christmas, and I almost never take it off! It pairs well with pretty much everything I wear.

I've tried pushing myself outside my comfort zone and wear more than a couple rings or several bangles on my arm but all it does is make me feel so weighed down. Like I suddenly become hyper aware of my wrists and fingers... it's weird. They say "less is more" and well, I'm sticking with that. It makes life a lot less complicated (and less heavy).

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Thursday, 17 October 2013

Texas State Fair

These photos encompass the best Saturday I had this past weekend! Matt and I drove up to Dallas for the Texas State Fair which was also during the Texas vs Oklahoma football game! I had never been before, so I was super excited to see what it was all about. And boy did I discover what it was about: fried food! We had a list of all the foods we wanted to try. One was called "Fried Thanksgiving Dinner" which was basically a giant fried ball of stuffing and turkey dipped in cranberry & gravy. That was Matt's favorite, but my fave were the avocado fries! Soooo yummy! We also stuffed our faces with a fried cuban roll, fried nutella, and fried s'mores. Yes, I have no shame. And having no shame is delicious.

I didn't get to go on any rides unfortunately. I mean, we spent all our money on food basically (that stuff is kind of expensive!). It was also so hot I probably would have passed out anyway, haha. But anything that may not have worked out that day was overruled because the Longhorns (AKA my university) beat OU for the first time in 4 years!! So much happiness!! It truly was a Texas miracle.

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Monday, 14 October 2013

Denim + Dots

{ f21 dress & jacket; Target belt, bag & sunnies; Francesca's boots }

So I wore this a couple weeks ago, but never had a chance to post the photos until now. Blame the government shutdown. Yes, it's their fault. But anyway, the other day I saw basically this exact same outfit (save accessories) on one of my favorite blogs ever. Awkward? Or awesome? Does this mean I'm finally figuring this whole "style" thing out? Denim + dots, people. The secret has been revealed, pass it on.

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