Name: Jackie
Age: 19
Hometown: Middletown, New Jersey
Blog: Purple MonkeyBlogging since: 2009
What are five words to describe you?Spontaneous, unique, happy, energetic, carefree.
What do you blog about?I blog about my life as a division one college athlete. I’m in my second year of college in a small Pennsylvania town, which is significantly different than the beach town I grew up in. I share my love of cooking, especially baking, my obsession with fashion, and my love for traveling all over the world. In fact, this summer I’ll be blogging about my experience as I move to London to study for two months, which I am super excited about!
What do you hope to accomplish in 2013?My goal is to expand my blog and start an etsy shop with my photographs taken from trips around the world. It would be so useful to have some extra cash to help with my shopping addiction! Other then that, my main goal is to “live” more. One of my favorite quotes is “it’s better to look back on life and say I can’t believe I did that than to look back and say I wish I did that”. This year I want to jump on every opportunity so that looking back I will never have to say, “I wish I did that.”
What is a random fact about you that most people don't know?Everyone knows that I am a college swimmer, but most people don’t know that I could swim before I could walk. I tried every other sport imaginable growing up- tennis, soccer, softball, track- but it was my love of swimming that won out.
What is a typical day in your life like?A typical day during the season for me involves a 5:30 wakeup call for our first workout of the day, followed by breakfast and a nap. Then it’s time for classes and I usually try to get a significant amount of work done. After that it’s another two-hour practice and then dinner. I definitely try to do something for myself after, whether it be crafting (I’m trying to do more of the awesome DIY I find on pinterest) or hanging out with my sorority sisters.
What should every girl have in her closet?Definitely black boots- they can be worn to class, shopping, out at night- you name it, they’re incredibly versatile. Also black heels are a must, as they can pretty much go with anything. I’m also a huge believer in accessories- statement rings and long necklaces in particular. If you have a good supply of these, you can pretty much change up any outfit. It’s like having a whole new wardrobe!
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