Thursday, 25 August 2011

Who cares?

{ Express top; F21 skirt & belt; Target sandals }

One thing that sucks about school starting (besides the other numerous things) is not having enough time to do everything I wanna do! So I apologize for the lack of blogging during the semester. I''ll do my best though! I wore this outfit a few days before school started. My mother told me these sandals make my feet look like they're wrapped in a bandage. And if they do... So what? Who cares?

School has been okay thus far, although I never realized how excruciating this Texas heat is until I've actually had to walk in it for more than 5 minutes. Ugh. How many more days until Fall? By the way, I noticed how people from Texas (me included) complain about the weather no matter what it is; we're never satisfied even though we'd never live anywhere else, haha! So strange.

I'm off to Florida tomorrow! I'm so stoked!

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Saturday, 20 August 2011

Pre-School Jitters

{ F21 top & shorts; Payless wedges; gifted bracelet & sunnies }

The past few days have been so stressful as the first day of school approaches. The books I ordered for my classes were "suddenly" out of stock, so I'm gonna be super unprepared. Great. I've also been constantly packing; I keep thinking I'm forgetting something or that I need something else from the store. I'm moving in the majority of my stuff into my apartment tomorrow, and then I'll be making a 2nd trip with the rest of my junk on Tuesday morning.

First day of school is Wednesday. Then I leave for Orlando on Friday evening. Ugh!! And on top of all that, I won't be able to take more outfit pics for a couple weeks during school since I'll 1) be out of town 2) be caught up in school work and 3) my "photographer" will be an hour away except on weekends. Can you tell I'm a bit stressed?

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Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Wannabe Taller

{ F21 top & necklace; Target shorts; Bamboo shoes }

I lala looove these chunky heel shoes. Ever since my no-shoping sentence ended I've been on a shoe rampage! I was a little scared getting these since the heel is a towering 5 inches (to me, that's terrifying as I already have trouble keeping my balance on solid ground), but I took the plunge and they turned out to be really comfy! I can now reach the items on the top shelf at the grocery store without climbing on people! They also allow me to be eye level with my boyf Trae which he found a bit weird haha. Sometimes I wish I really was taller, you can see everything from up there!

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Monday, 15 August 2011

Sale Away

{ dress from some shop in England (can't remember); F21 belt; DSW wedges }

I'm baaaaack!

I came home from a 4-day trip to the beach yesterday afternoon; it feels like foreverrr since I last blogged. I guess because I was so used to posting every single day for the 30x30 challenge (so glad that's over). This dress is another example of something cute I purchased from England but cannot for the life of me remember where I got it from. Sorry! The shoes, however, I got at DSW (a giant shoe store) as soon as my 30-day-no-shopping sentence ended. I remember seeing them ages ago priced at about $150 which is waaay out of my price range. But I recently found them marked down to less than $30! Heck yes. Patience pays off!

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Friday, 12 August 2011

Fancy That Friday

1. Um, where can I get these?!


2. I often want to do this at school...


3. I still can't believe I met them when I was 11. I miss the show!


4. This tutorial is super easy and cute!


5. I just love her!

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Wednesday, 10 August 2011

30 Outfits in 30 Days

It's crazy looking at the past 30 days all in one post. Some of these are my absolute favorites that I will definitely be wearing again, and others, well... probably not. One thing is for sure though; I've found a new love for mixing patterns that I never would have been gutsy enough to do before this challenge. It was pretty surprising how totally different pieces meshed together so well. I'll definitely be doing it more often!

I added some of my own rules during the 30x30 such as wearing each article of clothing and pair of shoes at least twice throughout the whole process. Also, I never wore the same shoes two days in a row which was a bit tricky, but I somehow made it work. I found my nude heels the most difficult to remix; I only wore them with my polka dot skirt because all my other clothes looked a bit too casual to wear them with. Ah well, more room for improvement! 

Here are a couple facts regarding my first 30x30 challenge:

Most Faves: #1, #6, #9, #16, #22, #27, #29
Least Faves: #5, #11, #14, #18, #23, #28
Easiest Remixing Pieces: romper, tan shorts, tribal-print tank
Hardest Remixing Pieces: balloon-print top, gray knit cardigan, nude heels

And (for the last time), you can check out all the pieces I remixed here!
Thanks for all the support! :)

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Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Finish Line

{ Express top; F21 shorts; Hollister cardigan; Agaci belt & sunnies; DSW sandals }

30 pieces. 30 outfits. 30 days.
Now excuse me while I go hug all my other clothes.

Oh, and that pink brick I'm holding is actually my phone.
I was talking to my mom in between shots. hehe.
At least it goes with my outfit!

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Monday, 8 August 2011

Weirdly Works

{ Urban Outfitters top; F21 skirt & belt; Wanted wedges }

This is surprisingly one of my favorite outfits from this whole challenge! I had no idea what I wanted to wear today; I only knew that whatever I wore had to go with this top because I've only used it once so far, and I want to wear every article of clothing (including shoes) at least twice. I could have stuck with just the tan shorts I sported in this outfit, but that would've been too easy. Then I saw my polka dot skirt. My common sense said "No! What are you thinking?!" but my gut said "Eh, what's the harm in trying it?" So I did and BAM! I love it. It's quirky, but it weirdly works (see what I did there?).

Only one more to go!

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Sunday, 7 August 2011

Lazy Sunday

{ Express top; F21 shorts & sandals; Charlotte Russe cardigan; gifted ring }

Woke up, went to church, Trae took me to IHOP (mmmm waffles!), then we went to Borders and got a few books (they're going out of business, so discounts all around!) and now we're awaiting for the arrival of his sister from California! I haven't seen her since April, so I can't wait to reunite! I hope I can stay awake until then... What is it about Sundays that just make me wanna nap for hours on end? I think most people would agree that the day before a hectic Monday is the best time to just relaxxxx. Oh yes, that sounds great right about now.

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