Friday, 31 January 2014

January through Instagram

  • I kicked off January (and the new year) in Cambridge, Massachusetts at a concert to see a "funk rock" band called Bad Rabbits! It definitely topped every previous NYE I ever had!
  • This was during the northeast snow storm that hit early January! I was so excited to venture out into the fresh fallen snow for the first time.
  • Lots of days in Massachusetts were spent like this. Just hanging out inside, watching the snow, and keeping cozy.
  • My first time sledding! It was actually kind of scary, or maybe I'm just a wuss haha. It was still fun though!
  • Back in Austin. Back to warmer temperatures. It was good to be home!
  • This was at my friend's bridal shower! Her wedding is next week, and I'm a bridesmaid! I'm so excited for her big day (as you can tell from my facial expression ;) haha)!
  • A quick snapshot on a lazy Sunday. Pretty sure I spent this whole day watching Game of Thrones. A day well spent, obviously.
  • Snow in Austin! It was barely anything at all, but it was enough to make the entire city basically shut down. Oh, Texans...
  • The best part of January: I got a job!! I now work full-time for a digital marketing company, and I couldn't be happier! Seriously, after months of nothing but interviews, this was the biggest weight off my shoulders.

According to the Chinese Zodiac calendar, 2014 is the Year of the Horse (which is my zodiac sign)! I think it really will be a good year for me, and judging from all the luck I had in January, it's already off to a great start! Bring it on, February.

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Saturday, 25 January 2014

Pale is the New Tan

{ f21 sweater, plaid shirt & skirt; mom's coat; Marshall's tights; ModCloth shoes }

During my two week stay in Massachusetts, I must have dropped at least ten shades of whatever skin color I am. I even wore red lipstick basically everyday just to keep myself from blending into the snow completely, ha!

I have two liquid foundations I like to use (one for the warmer months & one for the colder months), and I accidentally put on the wrong one the other night making my face look like an actual orange compared to the rest of my pale self. No one said anything about it, so either it was too dark to notice or people were just being polite. I'll pretend it was the first one.

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Sunday, 19 January 2014


{ f21 sweatshirt, coat, jeans, & hat; thrifted gingham shirt; DSW boots }

A few months ago I blogged about how I was really into clothing/accessories with donuts on them, and then I received this awesome sweatshirt for my birthday! Ahhh I love it so much! I also love all the weird looks I get when I wear it in public. And of course, wearing this gave me a craving for an actual donut! The carbs and sugar were totally worth it for these pics.

I've had these boots for years, but I never realized just how destroyed they were until looking through these photos. I kept hanging on to them because they were so comfy, and I used to always get compliments on them. Alas, I finally decided it was time to say goodbye to them for good. Hopefully someone at Goodwill can find a use for them (or they might have just gone in the trash... depending on what my mom decided to do with them, haha).

This post was brought to you by Dunkin Donuts. Okay, no it wasn't. I just really enjoy their donuts.

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Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Chill Out

{ f21 sweater, plaid, jeans, & hat; mom's coat; borrowed snow boots; Target earmuffs, scarf & gloves }

It's funny how these photos look so easygoing and carefree when in reality, I'm just trying to look presentable and not freeze to death at the same time. We were right next to this giant frozen river which made the wind chill even more unbearable! Like my face literally hurt, you guys. I'm only laughing in these pics because I was on the brink of going insane from the cold, ha!

Seriously, every other frame looked exactly like this:

That is the face of pure agony.

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Saturday, 11 January 2014

2014 Goals

I'm horrible at coming up with a new years resolution (which is probably why this post is coming to you mid-January). I used to try and think of one every year and then by February I would completely forget about it! So this year instead of trying to commit to one resolution, I thought I would list some goals I hope to accomplish in 2014. I read somewhere that writing things down makes you more likely to stick to what you said you would do, so I'm going to give it a try!

1. Post more consistently. I know I joked about this in a previous post, but I really would like to make it happen. In 2013, I lost my motivation for blogging which led me to go on a hiatus for about 4 months during the summer. I had just graduated college and was taking the time to enjoy my last carefree summer with friends while also dating someone new, so the blog was just put on the back burner. This year, I don't want there to be any unnecessarily long breaks where I forget to blog completely. Right now I try to post every 3 to 4 days, but I eventually want to get to a point where I blog 4 times a week. We shall see!

2. Find a job you actually enjoy. This one probably takes priority over the others because it's so important to me to find something I love to do and make a career out of it. Why bother spending your life doing something you hate? I know I'm not alone in this goal since so many of my friends who graduated with me last year are still looking for a job where they feel like they belong as well. It's tough, but I'm going to try my absolute hardest to make it happen this year.

3. Make healthy choices. This isn't to say I'm going on a diet or I'm gonna start going to the gym (those are usually just empty promises that last less than a month for me). I'm keeping it simple with this one. Like opting for water instead of soda or resisting to eat right before bedtime. Maybe even go out on a walk every now again. These are little things that don't require a huge sacrifice, and hopefully I can turn them into everyday habits!

4. Read more. I love to read, but last year I think I only read one book (the 4th book to the Game of Thrones series, A Feast for Crows) which bums me out. I'm not in school anymore, so I can't use the time I had to commit to "assigned reading" as an excuse. Right now I'm reading the 5th book to the GoT series, A Dance with Dragons, and it is HUGE. But if I can get through it, I want to read other books I've heard were good like Divergent, The Fault in Our Stars, The Hobbit, and lots more! What are y'all reading this year (suggestions are welcome!)?

5. Ease off social media. When I wake up, I can spend up to 30 minutes or more on my phone just going back and forth between my social media apps before I even get out of bed. I check them before I go to sleep, at work, while eating, and even while watching tv or in between reading a book. I've always enjoyed social media, but it was during the latter half of 2013 where I noticed I was starting to rely on it a little too much. It's ridiculous, and my boyfriend has called me out on it numerous times. This year I'm going to try and put the phone down and learn to live in the moment more often!

6. Make more time for friends. Spending time with friends was so effortless back in college! We all lived semi-close to each other, and I got to to see them pretty much everyday whether it be in class or for a quick lunch break. Now that we're all exploring different parts of our lives, it's hard to find time to hang out. I partly blame myself though because when I actually do find some down time, I'm too lazy to want to drive across town to see them (I know, shame on me). To any of my friends reading right now, you better hold me to this!

7. Travel to a new place. Last year, I got to visit Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine - three states I had never been to before! I even got to spend a night in Nashville, Tennessee (another place I had never been) and see the Grand Ole Opry! I feel like these opportunities to travel made my year so much more perfect, and I adore the sense of adventure and wonder I get from exploring a whole new place. As of now I have no plans to travel anytime soon, but hopefully something unexpected will come about during the year!

Do you have any goals this year? Or are you going all out with one big resolution?

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Wednesday, 8 January 2014


{ f21 coat, jeans, scarf & hat; Old Navy shirt; Target vest, goves & bag; GoJane boots }

Can we just talk about how in love I am with this scarf? I found it in the men's section at Forever 21 and immediately knew I had to have it. It's HUGE which is absolutely perfect for this weather! "But it's made for men!" Um, no, it's made for me (and any other boy/girl who enjoys a cozy scarf).

I don't know who spoke on behalf of all women that we only enjoy small, lightweight scarves that won't keep us warm, but they've got it all wrong! Guess my only option now is to make the switch over to men's clothing for good. Who's with me?

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Saturday, 4 January 2014

Winter Wonderland

{ f21 coat & plaid; Old Navy sweater; Target pants, vest, & gloves; Cotton On scarf; GoJane boots }

I'm normally just a "5 or 6 photos per post" kinda blogger, but I couldn't help myself with this one. It snowed so much these past couple of days, and everything just looked so gorgeous outside! I'm trying to take advantage of these snowy backgrounds before I head back to Texas (where it's usually hard to tell exactly what season we're in).

Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to stay out in the snow wearing this for much longer otherwise I might have froze to death, which would have been a sucky way to end a vacation. So awhile later I put on some borrowed clothing made especially for snow that I have never had a need for in my life and finally went outside to play! And by "play" I mean I made one snow angel and then ran back inside for some hot chocolate. What a day!

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Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Let It Snow

{ f21 plaid shirt & jeans; Old Navy sweater; Target vest, scarf & bag; ModCloth shoes }

Can you believe it?? Actual snow!! I know this means nothing to most of y'all, but this Texas girl was freaking out earlier. "What is this magical white stuff falling from the sky?" I mean, the most snow I've ever seen in my life (not counting when I was an infant) happened a couple years ago in Austin, but it melted within hours. This Massachusetts snow is here to stay, and I love it!!

The cold weather still takes some getting used to. My faux-fur vest has definitely come in handy up here, along with plenty of chai lattes from Starbucks, of course. I can pair it with almost anything! I'm glad I put it at the top of my Christmas list this last year. Most people ask for a new iPad, I ask for a faux-fur vest (thanks mom!).

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